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Individual Poll 2005 Vote
voted by: Rob Hinchliff

favourite bands the year:
Maximo Park
Orange Juice

the best pop songs:
Maximo Park - The Coast is Always Changing
The Pipettes - It Hurts to See you Dance So Well
Heikki - Former Hero

the best albums:
Deerhoof - The Runners Four
Sufjan Stevens - Illinois
Field Music - Field Music

the most promising new acts:
Elle Milano
The Pipettes

the best record label:

most fancied indiepop personality:
Amelia Fletcher

best indie-pop web site:

best music file sharing service:

best paper fanzine or magazine:
loud and quiet

best mail-order:
Last updated: 22-Dec-2005 © 1994-2024 TweeNet Creative Commons License