Back in the summer of 1994 the web was still pretty new. I had been written my first html pages in June and advertised a world wide web based indie music resource at the music industry fair PopKomm in Cologne in August 1994, while major labels at the time were presenting their text based mail-box systems.
In September the indiepop mailing list was started and together with Steve in Seattle and Robin in Melbourne I decided to build a web site to go along with it.
Luckily I already had lots of digital content as I had kept a database of my own records and CDs since early 1986.
In the mid to late 1990s, TweeNet was the go-to-place if you wanted to find out what records a certain band had released.
People moved on, other sites took. Even though I shifted my priorities in life to other things since 2005, I decided to keep TweeNet around and there are still some things here that you can't find anywhere else.